Friday, October 2, 2009

Extra Credit - Zombieland

The Theater was packed with twenty-somethings and goth "kids" for the almost sold out midnight screening of Zombieland starring Jesse Eisenberg who was last seen in Adventureland, Woody Harrelson who we may love from shows like Cheers or Natural Born Killers, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin of Little Miss Sunshine in an amazing "breakout" role for her. Ruben Fleischer as a first time director, I will be looking forward to more from him in the future for sure!! This home-run of a zombie flick takes the audience on a journey filled with a few rules to follow if you want to survive a zombie invasion. The make-up for the zombies was very cool and the shot choices were spot on for a think-on-your-feet-style narrative. I was surprised to NOT see anyone (myself included) dressed up as zombies for this opening. Maybe people will be dressed up for it tomorrow. I recommend this one for fans of Zombies, comedy, action, and Twinkies....

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