Wednesday, October 28, 2009
In Class Movie - Psycho

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Homework Film - 400 Blows

Monday, October 19, 2009
In Class Movie Comparisons - Night & Fog, High School

Alain Resnais' documentary Night & Fog - 1955 (Nuit et brouillard) is one of several true-life accounts of the horrors of German Concentration camps. Taking actual footage from the times and inter-cutting newer footage of the locations current to filming doesn't change what they were. He tells a story of vacationers stopping to take photos in front of a crematorium as if it were a friend’s home. It's very difficult to imagine that there are people that don't believe the Holocaust ever happened.
Frederick Wiseman's portrayal of High School in the late sixties was a fly-on-the-wall depiction of schools of the time. Today's teachers would be fired for how the detention instructor talked to the boy wrongfully detained for something he didn't do. There were also a number of stereotypical teachings being shown in this particular high school. The girls were mostly taking typing classes and fashion design. The Beatnik teacher reading a Simon & Garfunkel poetry reading also illustrated what was happening in that time period.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Homework Film - Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Friday, October 16, 2009
In Class Movie - Rashomon

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Extra Credit - Repo! The Genetic Opera

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Homework Movie - Nights of Cabiria

Relationships like these don't just happen in the movies. I think I have had one or two like this where even though I knew someone wasn't telling the whole truth, I took it for face value because I so wanted to believe what she was telling me. It's these lessons that have hardened some, but like Cabiria, I too hold onto the possibility that one day I will find a love that will be as true to me as I am to her.
I think one of my favorite scenes in the movie has to be a more comical point when Cabriria was trying to get into the club with the actor. Her tough time getting through the curtains made me laugh for a bit. I've definitely done that once or twice before.
Extra Credit - Baby Mama

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Extra Credit - Paranormal Activity

Sitting in a dark room with total strangers just waiting to be scared is a total rush. This movie was made for a measly $11k and has already surpassed that by 7x's in it's two weeks in theaters. It had premiered at Slamdance's 2007 film festival and has been waiting for the right moment to be released. Oren Peli directed, wrote, edited and produced the movie, but with such a small budget we don't see him in the movie. The fact that there wasn't any credits to the movie at all was surprising. I waited through to the blue ratings notice at the very end and there was nothing.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Extra Credit - Whip It

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Extra Credit - Dr. Horrible's Sing - Along Blog

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Extra Credit - Jennifer's Body

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Extra Credit - Double Feature: Lost Boys & Near Dark

Homework Film - Rebel Without a Cause

Friday, October 2, 2009
Extra Credit - Zombieland

The Theater was packed with twenty-somethings and goth "kids" for the almost sold out midnight screening of Zombieland starring Jesse Eisenberg who was last seen in Adventureland, Woody Harrelson who we may love from shows like Cheers or Natural Born Killers, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin of Little Miss Sunshine in an amazing "breakout" role for her. Ruben Fleischer as a first time director, I will be looking forward to more from him in the future for sure!! This home-run of a zombie flick takes the audience on a journey filled with a few rules to follow if you want to survive a zombie invasion. The make-up for the zombies was very cool and the shot choices were spot on for a think-on-your-feet-style narrative. I was surprised to NOT see anyone (myself included) dressed up as zombies for this opening. Maybe people will be dressed up for it tomorrow. I recommend this one for fans of Zombies, comedy, action, and Twinkies....