Saturday, November 7, 2009

Homework Movie - Chinatown

Chinatown has too many elements to watch it in one setting. There were some interesting uses of mirrors and camera angles to show thing in the mirrors in the beginning. Later on that theme came around to me when Gittes broke the rearview mirror on Mrs. Mulwray’s car.

I noticed some minor technical errors in the movie’s climax. When the camera panned to see the policemen and Gittes, the camera bounced a bit like someone knocked into it. After the grandfather/father gets shot he holds his chest but there isn’t any blood and it takes him a long time to even bring his hand up to his chest to hold the “wound”. Also, when Mrs. Mulwray gets shot in the very end the delayed reaction almost seems forced to me. The Horn was sounding way before the girl screamed.

Roman Polanski has made some really interesting movie choices throughout his film career. Not to mention some horrible personal choices. I've had arguments with people about his personal life recently, but that doesn't mean that his movies are bad.

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