Strange twists of fate bring these three under the same roof in Sophie's Choice. Meryl Streep plays Sophie, a Polish survivor of Nazi Prison Camp . Her youthful, innocent friendship with Stingo, an aspiring writer, played by Peter MacNicol is challenges Kevin Kline's character, Nathan's affection for Sophie. Nathan's overbearing control of Sophie is balanced out by Stingo's openness to listening. With Stingo, Sophie gets the opportunity to bear her sole and story of how she came to America.
Written for the screen and directed by Alan J. Pakula in 1982, this heart-wrenching drama shows how Sophie gets out of one controlling situation to another. Pakula started his career as a producer in the late 50's, branching out to directing in 1969's The Sterile Cuckoo. It wasn't until 1982 that Pakula would work with Nestor Almendros on Sophie's Choice. Nestor has worked with some world class directors including François Truffaut, Robert Benton, and Mike Nichols. In Sophie's Choice, these two artists painted a very colorful pallet when in the present, highlighting the actors with a soft glow, except for Kline's Nathan. At times he would be lit from behind only showing his hair and covering his face in shadows because he was being terrifying towards Sophie. And when Sophie began telling her story, she had a glow around her hair seeming as a halo around her.